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Embrace your Bible study


As Christians it is important for us to renew our mind daily so that we can achieve our purpose & live out the life God has called us to live.

When we read God's word it not only renew's our mind, it also uplift's us and when we apply God's word to our life we will see our lives transformed.

God's word strengthens & encourages us & guides us to produce Godly character.

Before we read the bible sit in a quiet space where you wont be disturbed, we should start by praying & asking God to reveal to us what he want's us to read.

Different scriptures will be helpful to us in different season's of our life.

If you are a new Christian then I suggest that you start reading either the New Testament or any of the gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke & John.

Select a specific section of the Bible to focus on, considering your current needs or a topic you want to explore. 

Read the passage multiple times, paying attention to details like key words, phrases, and characters.

Write down observations: Note down anything that stands out to you, including questions you have.

Consider context: Think about the historical and cultural background of the passage.

Based on your observations, try to understand the main message or theme of the passage.

Compare Scripture: Cross-reference with other relevant Bible verses to gain a deeper understanding.

Upon personal reflection ask yourself :

• How does this passage apply to your life today? 

• what specific ways you can put the teachings into practice. 

remember to regularly reflect on what you've learned and seek guidance from the Holy Spirit.

Wisdom is the application of God's word to our life, when we build our life upon God's word we will be able to withstand the storm's & trial's of life untill the very end.

Bible Tool's :

• Study Bibles: Provide a broad overview of themes and topics in the Bible.

• Bible dictionaries: Provide definitions and background information for words and topics in the Bible.

• Bible concordances: Show where words appear in the Bible, similar to a dictionary.

• Bible journaling is a fun & creative way to reflect upon your personal spiritual growth.

• Commentaries: Focus on one or two books of the Bible, providing a detailed understanding of the book's structure, meaning, and context.

• Parallel Bibles: Provide multiple translations of the Bible in one book, which can be helpful for comparing translations.

• Digital Bibles: Allow for more complex searches than basic concordances.

• Have a Bible, notebook, and any study aids you might want to use like commentaries or concordances which will help you to understand specific phrases.

Bible App's :

• You version bible

• Bible Gateway

• Blue letter bible

• Life Bible

• Logos Bible study App

• Our Daily Bread

• Spark Bible

• Bible App for Kids

• Bible App by Olive Tree

• Dwell

• Audio Bible

• The Bible Trivia Challenge

• She reads Truth

Gey creative, have fun and allow God's word to renew your mind and transform your life.


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