My Mission is to provide christian based resources and support necessary to empower women to become the woman that God has called them to be.
My Vision is to see women who were once lost and broken experience the love of God increase their faith and anchor their identity in Christ.
In the bible the word Valor means strength of mind and courage The hebrew word for Valor is Chayil, which can also relate to mean capable, virtous and is often used to describe warriors on the battlefield.
The word Valor is also of latin origin and mean's "bravery and worthiness" Valor is often displayed in the face of something designed to crush it, like a diamond.
My Story
As a child I grew up in the care system and suffered many hardship's including severe abuse, racism and extreme health challenges. This resulted in me not being able to form an identity I was lost broken and looking for love in all the wrong places.
When I first encountered the presence of God I felt an overwhelming love that set my heart on fire and gave me the strength that I needed to overcome my past and have been on a journey with God ever since.
As I reflect upon my past I know that God has transformed me from the lost broken little girl I once was into the courageous woman of faith that I am today. The times when I didn't have the strength to carry myself God carried me and I now have revelation that God has been in the storm of my trials with me and delivered me out of darkness into his radiant light.
what I thought would break me actually turned into my calling and I am passionate to empower lost soul's to experience the love of God so that they can also transform their life through the power of the holy spirit.
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.